All Berkeley organizations: |
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- 145 Dwinelle Hall
- 150 Stanley Hall
- 160 Kroeber Hall, UCB
- 230 Minor Hall, University of California, Berkeley
- 2727 California Street Gallery
- 310 Jacobs Hall
- 340 BCNM Commons
- 370 Dwinelle Hall
- 44 Restaurant and Bar
- 4th Street Fine Art
- 7th Heaven Yoga Studio
- AdelinesLAB Gallery In Collaboration With Firehouse Art Collective
- All Souls Episcopal Church
- Alphonse Berber Gallery
- Anam Cara House
- Anam Cara House
- Anna's Jazz Island
- Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility
- Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
- Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley
- Ashby Stage
- Ashkenaz World Music & Dance Community Center
- Astronomical Assoc of Northern California
- Au Coquelet
- Aurora Theatre Company
- Bade Museum, Pacific School of Religion
- BAMPFA Full Series
- Bancroft Hotel
- Barefoot Chamber Concerts
- Bartlett's Patio (at the Berkeley Central Public Library)
- Bauman College
- Bay Area Book Festival
- Bay Area Skeptics
- Berkeley Adult School
- Berkeley Adult School Parking Lot
- Berkeley Art Center
- Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
- Berkeley Arts Festival
- Berkeley Center for Natural Medicine
- Berkeley Center for New Media/Art Techonology & Culture Colloquium [ATC]
- Berkeley Center for New Media/San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association
- Berkeley Center for New Media/UC Berkeley Regent's Lecture
- Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
- Berkeley Chamber Performances
- Berkeley Chamber Performances
- Berkeley City Club
- Berkeley City College
- Berkeley Community Media - CH28 Studios
- Berkeley Community Theatre
- Berkeley Entrepreneurs Forum
- Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
- Berkeley Festival
- Berkeley Friends Church
- Berkeley High School Jazz
- Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
- Berkeley Library, South Branch
- Berkeley Marina
- Berkeley Marina's Cesar E. Chavez Park
- Berkeley Opera
- Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission
- Berkeley Piano Club
- Berkeley Playhouse
- Berkeley Public Library
- Berkeley Repertory Theater (Roda Theatre)
- Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Thrust Stage
- Berkeley Shambhala Center
- Berkeley Symphony
- Berkeley Symphony Orchestra
- Berkeley Technology Academy
- Berkeley West Branch Library
- Berkeley, City of
- Beth El
- Birthways
- Black Oak Books
- Black Repertory Group Theater
- Blake's
- Books Inc. Berkeley
- Brasarte
- Brazil Cafe Rose Garden
- Brazilian Room
- Brower Center
- Build Pizzeria Roma
- Caffe Trieste Berkeley
- Cal Performances
- Cal Sailing Club
- California Jazz Conservatory
- California Theater - Berkeley
- California Writers Club - Berkeley
- Casa de Cultura
- Cherie Hill IrieDance
- Chochmat Halev
- Christian Science Organization
- Claremont Resort and Spa
- Clark Kerr Campus, Krutch Theater, Building 14
- Club at the Claremont, The Claremont Ballroom
- CNMAT Berkeley
- College of Environmental Design
- Common Circle Education
- Common Circle Education - Berkeley
- Composers, Inc.
- Congregation Netivot Shalom
- Cooper Cogburn Presents Comedy
- Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center
- Crowden Music Center, Dalby Room
- Disability Rights Advocates
- DiversityWorks Worshops
- Doubletree Inn - Berkeley Marina
- Down Low Lounge
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley Association
- Downtown Berkeley BART Plaza
- Dream Institute
- Durant and Shattuck
- Easton Hall
- Ecology Center
- Ed Roberts Campus
- Elephant Pharmacy - Berkeley
- Energy Biosciences Building
- Epworth Church
- Expressions Gallery
- Fantasy Studios
- Finnish Brotherhood Hall
- Firehouse Art Collective
- Firehouse Art Collective Indie Micro Mall
- Firehouse Art Events Hangar
- First Church of Christ Scientist - Berkeley
- First Congregational Church of Berkeley
- First Presbyterian Church - Berkeley
- Florence Schwimley Little Theater, Berkeley High School
- Four Seasons Arts
- Fourth Street
- Fourth Street Merchants
- Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse
- Gather Restaurant
- Geballe Room, Townsend Center
- Gilman Art Walk
- Gilman Brewing
- Giorgi Gallery
- Gourmet Ghetto
- Gourmet Ghetto, North Shattuck Ave.
- Greek Theatre
- Habitot Children's Museum
- Harmony Beauty Boutique
- Hearst Museum of Anthropology- Gallery and Patio
- Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley
- Hillside Club
- Himalayan Fair Committee
- Hotel Shattuck Plaza
- Hs. Lordships Restaurant
- Hummingbird Medicine Art & Healing Studio
- International House at UC Berkeley
- Janam
- Jewish Community Center of the East Bay
- Jewish Voice for Peace-Bay Area
- Joaquin Miller Park
- John Hinkel Park
- John Muir Elementary School blacktop
- Julia Morgan Center for the Performing Arts
- Jupiter
- Kala Art Institute
- King Middle School
- La Pena Community Chorus
- La Pena Cultural Center
- Lehrhaus Judaica
- LifeLong Medical Care Administration Building
- Live Oak Park
- Live Oak Park (Outside the Berkeley Art Center)
- Live Oak Theater
- Los Tristes
- Lucre Lounge
- Magnes Museum
- Manzanita Wellness Center
- Martin Luther King Civic Center
- Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Civic Center Park
- Maybeck Studio for the Performing Arts
- Mel's - Berkeley
- Middle East Children's Alliance
- Mr. Weed's Comedy Cafe
- Mrs. Dalloway's Bookstore
- Musical Offering Cafe
- Native Here Nursery
- North Shattuck Association
- North Shattuck Association
- North Shattuck Association
- Northbrae Community Church
- OCSC Sailing
- Old Berkeley City Hall historic building
- Our Third Act
- Pacific Hornblower
- Pacific School of Religion
- Pacific School of Religion Chapel
- Pacific Standard
- Persian Center
- Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy- Solano
- Prudential Building
- Quan Yin Training Center
- R. Kassman Piano
- Rae Douglass Gallery
- Rae Dunn's Studio
- Real Vocal String Quartet
- Red Tomato Pizza House
- Redwood Grove @ UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley
- REI - Berkeley
- Revival Bar and Kitchen
- Rhythm and Sound Space
- Rialto Cinemas Elmwood
- Ridhwan Center For Spiritual Development
- Ridhwan School
- Ridhwan School
- Rose Labyrinth
- Rudramandir
- Sacred Space at Rudramandir
- Saint John's Presbyterian Church
- Saint Mary Magdalen Church
- Sandbox Suites - Berkeley
- SanSan Kwan and Portals Collective
- Sea Breeze Cafe
- Shawl-Anderson Dance Center
- Shotgun Players
- Shotgun Studios
- Show Place Art
- Sibley Auditorium
- Siemens Technology-To-Business
- Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter
- Silk Road House
- Society of Women Engineers, Golden Gate Section
- Solano Avenue Association
- Solano Avenue, Berkeley/Albany
- South Berkeley Senior Center
- Spats Berkeley
- Spenger's Fresh Fish Grotto
- Spengers
- St. Joseph the Worker Church
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church
- St. Paul AME
- Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley
- Starry Plough
- Stochastic Labs
- Strawberry Creek Park Basketball Courts
- Studio Grow
- Sub Rosa Sound
- Subterranean Art House
- Sur La Table, Berkeley store
- Sustainable Business Alliance
- Sutardja Dai Main Auditorium
- Takara Sake Tasting Room
- TEDxBerkeley
- Telegraph Avenue
- Terra's Temple
- Tessier Winery
- The Art of the African Diaspora Satellite exhibit at Gallery 2727 in Berkeley
- The Bakery at the Berkeley Rep School of Theatre
- The Berkeley School
- The Berkeley Yacht Club
- The Drop 84
- The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
- The Hub Berkeley
- The Marsh Arts Center
- The Monkey House
- The Psychotherapy Institute
- The SAGE Centers
- The UC Theatre Taube Family Music Hall
- The UC Theatre Taube Family Music Hall
- The Works Cooperative, Inc., Exercise and Dance Studio
- The Yoga Room
- Totally Rad Gallery
- Totland Park
- TrikaShala
- Trinity Chapel
- uBe Gallery
- UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley - Dwinelle Hall and Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley - VLSB 2060, Moffitt 101 and 102
- UC Berkeley 100 Boalt Hall
- UC Berkeley Campus
- UC Berkeley Campus - Lawrence Hall of Science
- UC Berkeley Campus - Shared Services
- UC Berkeley Center for Executive Education
- UC Berkeley Extension
- UC Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, S-480
- UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, Wells Fargo Room
- UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies Conference Room
- UC Berkeley Multicultural Center
- UC Berkeley Skydeck
- UC Berkeley, 159 Mulford
- UC Berkeley, Boalt Law School, Room 110
- UC Berkeley, Evans Hall Room 60
- UC Berkeley, MLK Student Union, 3rd Floor
- UC Berkeley, Spanish and Portuguese Library
- UC Berkeley, The Promenade Bldg, 2nd Fl, Room 231
- UC Berkeley, Valley Life Sciences Building
- UC Berkeley, Wheeler Auditorium
- UC Berkeley, Wozniak Lounge, Soda Hall
- UC-Berkeley Campus, 83 Dwinelle Hall
- UCB Edwards Stadium
- UCB Music Dept, 125 Morrison Hall
- Unity of Berkeley
- University Lutheran Chapel
- University of California Berkeley Extension, Golden Bear Building
- University of California Botanical Garden
- University of California, Berkeley (Haas Pavilion)
- Urban Adamah
- Urbano Cellars
- Waterfront Playhouse
- Wells Fargo Room, Haas School of Business
- Western Institute for Social Research
- Western Sky Studio
- Wine Country Adventures
- World Dance Center/The Capoeira Arts Cafe
- Worth Ryder Art Gallery
- Wurster Hall, Room 112, UCB
- Yeah Buddy Awesome Time
- YMTC - Youth Musical Theater Company
- Youth Adult Project
- Zellerbach Hall
- Zellerbach Playhouse
All organizations starting with D: |
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- D & H Sustainable Jewelers
- D'Ann's Dance Studio
- D'Argenzio Winery
- Dacor Kitchen
- DaDa SF
- Daffodil Restaurant At the Orchard Hotel
- Daily Journal
- Dainese D-Store
- Daly City, City of
- dance anywhere(R)
- Dance Boulevard
- Dance Brigade
- Dance Ground Keriac
- Dance Mission Theater
- Dance Palace
- Dance San Francisco
- Dance Theatre of San Francisco (DTSF)
- Daniel Insurance Agency
- Daniel Webster Elementary School PTA
- Danville Area Cultural Alliance (DACA)
- Danville Bowl
- Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Danville Library
- Danville Village Theatre
- Danville, Town of
- Dark Room
- Darkroom at Club 6
- DataStax
- Dave & Buster's Milpitas
- Dave & Busters
- David's Restaurant
- Davies Symphony Hall
- Davis St Family Resource Center
- Davis Wright Tremaine
- Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
- Day Break Restaurant
- DB Labs
- De Anza College
- De Anza College Campus Center, Conference Rooms A&B
- De Anza College Orchestra
- De Anza's Choral Hall (Room A-11 in Building 'A1')
- De Anza's Visual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC)
- de Saisset Museum
- de Young Museum
- Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts
- DeAnza College
- DeAnza College, California History Center
- DeAnza College, Room G-5
- Dear Mom
- Deborah Slater Dance Theater
- DecantSF
- Decathlon Club
- Deep Roots Urban Refuge
- DeFremery Park
- Degrees Plato Taproom and Bottle Shop
- Dekker Muse Events on 6th Street
- Del Sol String Quartet
- Del Valle Clubhouse
- Del Valle Theatre
- Delancey Screening Room
- Delancey Street Restaurant
- Delancy Street Screening Room
- Dell - 5455 Great America
- DeLoach Vineyards
- Deloitte, teleclassroom 4N072
- Delta Association of REALTORS
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, San Francisco Alumunae Chapter
- DemandTec, Inc., Suite 200
- Denny's Restaurant - El Cerrito
- Dentons US, LLP
- Department of Music, Stanford University
- Destiny Arts Center
- Detati Communications
- Detour
- Developing Environments
- Devi Yoga
- Devi Yoga Center
- Devil Mountain Coffee House
- Devil Mountain Coffee House
- Devil's Canyon Brewing Company
- DeVry Inc.
- Devry University - Jarvis
- Dewey Monument at Union Square
- DEY, L.P.
- DG717
- di Rosa Dowtown
- Diablo Ballet
- Diablo Room - Hillside Clubhouse - Rossmoor
- Diablo Valley College Music Industry Studies Program
- Diablo Valley College, Trophy Room
- Diablo View Orchid Society
- Diamond Associates - ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D.
- Diego Rivera Gallery
- Diesel, a Bookstore (Oakland)
- DIG Gardens
- Digital Arts Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Digital Garage
- Digital Media Wire
- Dimensions Dance Theater
- Dinah's Garden Hotel
- Dinkelspiel Auditorium
- Dionysus Dinner Theatre
- Direct Marketing Association of Northern California
- Dirty Trix Saloon
- Disability Rights Advocates
- Discover Wine & Spirits (Wine School)
- Disney on Broadway
- Disney on Ice
- DISP - Danish Information Systems Professionals
- District Six SF
- DiversityWorks Worshops
- Divine Science Community Center
- Dixon May Fair
- DIY Academy
- DLA Piper - San Francisco
- DLA Piper - Silicon Valley
- DMG World Media
- DNA Lounge
- DNN Software
- DNX Ventures
- Dobbs Bar
- Doc's Clock
- Doc's Lab SF
- Docomo
- DocuSign
- Dogpatch Cafe and Galley
- Dolores Park Stairs
- Domain Hotel
- Domini Hoskins Black History Museum & Learning Center
- Dominic's at Poplar Creek
- Dominican Hospital
- Dominican Univ., Alemany Library, Rm. 207
- Don Fisher Clubhouse
- Don Quixote's International Music Hall
- Dona Tomas Restaurante
- doodlebug
- DOPE SHOW Comedy
- Dorsey & Whitney
- Dosa N Biryani Fresh Indian Grill & Bar
- Double Dutch
- DoubleTree by Hilton
- DoubleTree by Hilton
- Doubletree Hotel
- Doubletree Inn - Berkeley Marina
- DoubleTree Sonoma Wine Country
- Douglas Morrisson Theatre
- Down Low Lounge
- Downs Memorial United Methodist Church
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley Association
- Downtown Berkeley BART Plaza
- Downtown Community Center at All Saints' Church
- Downtown Concord
- Downtown Dance/Art Space
- Downtown Fairfield
- Downtown Lafayette
- Downtown Lafayette
- Downtown Menlo Park
- Downtown Millbrae
- Downtown Mountain View
- Downtown Oakland
- Downtown Oakland - 14th at Broadway
- Downtown Palo Alto
- Downtown San Carlos
- Downtown San Jose
- Downtown San Mateo
- Downtown Tiburon Sculpture Fountain
- Downtown Walnut Creek
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
- Dr. Tsingis' Orinda Office
- Dragon 2000 Lounge
- Dragon Theatre
- DragonBar
- Dragonfly Ink Custom Tattoo
- Drake High School
- Drake SF
- Drakes Brewery
- Dream Inn
- Dream Institute
- Dresher Ensemble Studio - 2201
- Drew School
- Drew School Theater
- Driftwood Salon Gallery
- Dry Creek Regional Park parking lot
- DSG Studios
- Duane Morris LLP
- Dublin Public Library
- Dublin, City of
- Ducca
- Duende Music Room
- Durant and Shattuck
- DUSD Center for Performing Arts
- DVC Performing Arts Center
- Dwell Magazine
General Interest
· Parks, Beaches, Streets |
- 1 Burrows Street
- 12th Street Oakland City Center
- 3rd on Third
- 598 Stevenson St. @ 7th St.
- ACR's Martin Griffin Preserve
- Alameda Point Taxiway
- Annie Alley
- Bankhead Plaza
- Bartlett's Patio (at the Berkeley Central Public Library)
- Battery Townsley at Fort Cronkhite, Marin Headlands
- Bay Meadows
- Bay Meadows Park
- Baylands Park
- Bayview Town Center / 3rd Street between Palou Ave and McKinnon Ave
- Begins at Fillmore Center Plaza
- Berkeley Marina's Cesar E. Chavez Park
- Bernal Community Park
- Blackpoint Battery Picnic Area at Fort Mason
- Boeddeker Park
- Boyd Park
- Burlingame Parks & Recreation Dept.
- California Writers Circle (formerly Fire Circle)
- Castro District
- Centennial Park
- Charles F. Kennedy Park
- Circle of Palm Plaza
- City Park
- Civic Center Plaza
- Civic Center Plaza
- Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco
- Civic Park in Walnut Creek
- Clipper Cove, Treasure Island
- Contra Loma Regional Park
- Corner of Market and New Montgomery Streets
- Courthouse Square
- Crissy Field
- DeFremery Park
- Dewey Monument at Union Square
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley
- Downtown Berkeley BART Plaza
- Downtown Fairfield
- Downtown Lafayette
- Downtown Oakland - 14th at Broadway
- Downtown Tiburon Sculpture Fountain
- Dry Creek Regional Park parking lot
- Durant and Shattuck
- Eucalyptus Hollow and Grove Amphitheater, Baylands Park
- Eureka Valley Dog Park
- FairAnselm Plaza
- Fairmont Park Pacifica
- Fern Alley
- Fillmore Center Plaza
- Finley Park
- Fort Ross State Historic Park
- Fort Winfield Scott in the the Presidio
- Foundry Wharf Green
- Frank Ogawa Plaza
- Freidenrich Community Park
- Fulton Plaza
- Gardens at Lake Merritt
- Gardens of Golden Gate Park
- Garfield Square Playground
- Glen Canyon Park
- Glen Park Recreation Center
- Golden Gate Park Rose Garden
- Grant Avenue
- Greenway 31
- Half Moon Bay State Beach
- Harvey West Park
- Hawk Hill Tunnel at the Marin Headlands
- Hayes Valley Shared Spaces; Anina 482 Hayes; Sugar Lounge 377 Hayes; Noir Lounge 587 Hayes
- Healdsburg Veteran's Memorial Beach
- Helen Putnam Park
- Herons Head Park
- Howard Langton Community Garden
- Hunters Point Shoreline Park
- Jack London Ssquare Pavilion
- Jack London State Historic Park
- Jane Warner Plaza, San Francisco
- Japantown Peace Plaza
- Jefferson Square Park
- Jessie Square
- John McLaren Park
- John Muir Elementary School blacktop
- Johnson's Beach
- Justin Herman Plaza
- Kapwa Gardens
- Kasper's Plaza
- Kennedy Grove Regional Recreation Area
- Lake Merritt
- Lake Merritt Amphitheater
- Lakeside Park, Lake Merritt
- Lands End
- Las Palmas Park
- Leona Canyon Meadow
- Live Oak Park (Outside the Berkeley Art Center)
- Location varies by project
- Marin Art & Garden Center
- Marin Civic Center Lagoon Park
- Marin Headlands Coast
- Marina Green
- Mariposa Park
- Mark Twain Plaza
- Market Street Plaza
- Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Civic Center Park
- Martinez Waterfront Park
- Martinez Waterfront Park on the Marina
- Mayfair Park
- McKegney Green
- McLaren Lodge
- McLaren Park's Jerry Garcia Amphitheater
- McNears Beach
- Memorial Park Loma Mar
- Mendell Plaza
- Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
- Mint Plaza
- Mission Creek Park
- Mission Dolores Park
- Mitchell Park's Pine Grove Picnic Area (South end by tennis courts)
- Montclair Village - Outdoors in the Oakland Hills
- Moraga Commons
- Moraga Commons Park
- Moscone Center Garage
- Mountain Lake Park
- Murphy Park
- Music Concourse Bandshell in Golden Gate Park
- Music in the Park
- Natoma Street between New Montgomery St and SFMOMA/3rd St
- Nisene Marks State Park/Aptos Village Park
- North Beach
- O'Hara Park
- Oakland Beer festival
- Oakland's Dimond District
- Old Mill Park
- Old Oakland
- One Bush Plaza
- Palo Alto City Hall - City Hall Plaza
- Parque Ninos Unidos
- Patricia's Green
- Patricia's Green, Hayes Valley
- Peacock Meadow, Golden Gate Park
- Pena Adobe Park
- Pichetti Ranch
- Pier 40
- Plaza Adelante
- Plaza Park
- Plaza Ygnacio Fountain at City Hall
- Port of Redwood City
- Portsmouth Square Park
- Potrero del Sol Park
- Presidio Nursery
- Presidio of San Francisco
- Quarry Lakes East Bay Regional Park in Fremont
- Raynor Park
- Red Morton Park - Valota & Vera
- Redwood Grove @ UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley
- Richmond Home Front Festival
- Rockridge District
- San Francisco Streets at Civic Center
- San Geronimo Commons
- San Ramon City Center
- Sanborn County Park
- Santana Row - Chess Plaza
- Sea Breeze Park Cricket Ground
- SF Botanical Garden's Garden of Fragrance
- Shea Homes Plaza (lawn in front of Bankhead Theater)
- Shoreline Park (Kite flying area)
- Shoup Park
- Skatin' Place
- Snow Park
- SoFA District
- SOMA StrEat Food Park
- Stockmen's Park
- Stream Trail, Redwood Regional Park
- Sue Bierman Park
- Suisun City Harbor Plaza
- Sutro Heights Park
- Telegraph Avenue
- Telegraph Avenue between 41st and 51st Street
- Temescal Telegraph Business Improvement District
- The Gardens at Heather Farms
- The Gazebo at Lake Merritt, Lakeside Park, adjacent to Children's Fairyland
- The Great Meadow at Fort Mason
- The Guerneville Pedestrian Bridge
- The Healing Garden
- The Japanese Tea Garden
- TJPA's Salesforce Park
- Totland Park
- U.S. Immigration Station
- Union Square
- Union Square
- Vacaville Town Square Plaza
- Valencia St in San Francisco
- Vasona Lake Park
- Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
- Washington Park - Alameda
- Washington Park - Burlingame
- Watsonville City Plaza
- Waverly Place
- William Payne Park - across from Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab
- Willie 'Woo Woo' Wong Playground
- Willow Street Frank Bramhall Park
- Wunderlich Park
- Yerba Buena Gardens
Performing Arts
Pop Entertainment
Special Interest
Sports & Recreation
Durant and Shattuck |
2029 Durant Ave |
Berkeley CA 94704