All organizations starting with A: |
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- A Couples Place
- A Grape in the Fog
- A Grip of Liberal Snowflakes
- A Mother's Place
- A Mused Collective
- A Wedding Shop
- A'Roma Roasters
- A+ Japanese Auto Repair, Inc.
- A.C.T. - American Conservatory Theater
- A.Muse Gallery
- AAMA - Asian American MultiTechnology Association
- AAUW Sunnyvale-Cupertino
- ABBYY USA Software House, Inc.
- ABC/African-American Community Health Group of the Central Coast
- Abilities United
- Above Harrington's Galleries
- Absolute Adventures
- Abundant Life Hall
- Abyssinian Baptist Church
- AC Lordi (Treat Towers)
- AC Lordi/Peopleflex Accounting Professionals
- AC Transit
- Academy of Art College
- Academy of Art University at The Cannery
- Academy of Art University School of Fashion
- Academy of Friends
- Acapulco Mexican Restaurant
- Accenture
- Accenture Technology Labs
- ACCESS Systems Americas, Inc.
- Accion Latina
- Accion Latina's Juan R. Fuentes Gallery
- Accordion Apocalypse
- Accretive Solutions
- Achieving Weight Mastery
- ACM SIGGRAPH, San Francisco Chapter
- ACM SIGGRAPH, Silicon Valley Chapter
- ACM, SF Bay Area Chapter
- Acme Chophouse
- Acqua Hotel
- ACR's Martin Griffin Preserve
- Acta Non Verba Urban Youth Farm Project
- Acterra
- Acterra, the Raptor Conference Room, Peninsula Conservation Center
- Action 1 Properties
- Action Theater- Metreon 2nd Floor
- ActionSpot
- Active Transformational Hypnotherapy
- Actors Theatre of San Francisco
- Actors' Theatre
- Acubed by Airbus
- Addison Elementary School
- Addison-Penzak JCC Los Gatos
- AdelinesLAB Gallery In Collaboration With Firehouse Art Collective
- Adept Technology, Inc.
- Adobe Animal Hospital - new location
- Adobe Books
- Adobe building
- Adobe Park Auditorium, East Tower
- Adobe Systems
- Adobe, East Tower Building
- ADP Pleasanton
- Advanced Machining Techniques
- Advanced Tax Solution
- Adventure In Well Being
- Adventure Sports Unlimited
- Advocates for Children
- Aegis Living of Aptos
- AF Evans
- African American Art & Culture Complex
- African American Arts and Culture Complex- Buriel Clay Theater
- African American Museum & Library
- African American Museum & Library
- African American Museum & Library
- African Diaspora Network
- Agenda Lounge
- Agilent Technologies - Bldg 5
- Agilent Technologies, Inc., Bldg.5-E.O. Wilson Room
- Ahimsa
- AIA San Francisco / Center for Architecture + Design Gallery
- AIA Santa Clara Valley
- AIDS Coalition Silicon Valley
- AIDS Memorial Grove
- Ainsley House
- AIPMM (Association of International Product Marketing & Management)
- AirShow Network
- Airtronics Metal Products Inc
- Al-Anon of Northern California
- Alameda Civic Light Opera
- Alameda Comedy Club
- Alameda County Conference Center
- Alameda County Fair
- Alameda County Fairgrounds
- Alameda County Medical Center
- Alameda County Office of Education, Room L-3
- Alameda County SBDC
- Alameda Elks Lodge
- Alameda Health Consortium
- Alameda Health System Foundation
- Alameda Museum
- Alameda Point Taxiway
- Alameda Theatre
- Alameda, City of
- Alamo Danville Artists' Society
- Alamo Drafthouse at the New Mission
- Alamo Plaza
- Alan Harvey Theater at Piedmont High School
- Alanas Cafe
- Albany Community Center
- Albany Consort
- Albany Senior Center
- Albany Veterans Memorial Building
- Albany, City of
- Albert and Janet Schultz Cultural Arts Hall
- Albert L. Schultz Jewish Community Center
- Alberto's Salsa Studio and Nightclub
- Alcazar Theatre
- Alchemy Hair Salon
- Alcove Theater
- Ale Industries
- Alena Museum
- Ales Unlimited: Beer Basement
- Alexander String Quartet
- Alhambra Christmas Tree Farm
- Alhambra High School
- Alibi Lounge
- ALIST Presents
- Alive! Fitness Studio
- Alive! Fitness Studio
- Alive! Whole Life Fitness Studio
- All Natural Stone
- All Out Comedy Theater
- All Reasons Moving & Storage
- All Saints' Church
- All Souls Episcopal Church
- Allen Temple Baptist Church
- Alley
- Alley Cat Books and Gallery
- Alliance for Community Development and the Bay Area Council
- Alliance Innovation Lab, Silicon Valley
- Alliance Occupational Medicine
- Alliance Occupational Medicine - San Jose Clinic
- Allied Arts Guild
- Almaden Golf & Country Club
- Aloft Cupertino
- Aloft Hotel
- Aloft Hotel Cocktail Lounge
- Aloft San Francisco Airport
- Alonzo King LINES Ballet
- Alonzo King LINES Ballet BFA Program in Dance
- Alonzo King LINES Ballet Summer Program
- Alonzo King LINES Ballet Training Program
- Alonzo King LINES Dance Center
- Alphonse Berber Gallery
- Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
- Altarena Playhouse
- Alter Space
- Altera
- Altera Corp
- Alto International School
- Altos Ventures
- Amado's
- Amador Theater
- Amador Valley Adult and Community Education
- Amador Valley Adult School
- Amador Valley Community Park
- Amaranta
- Amazon
- Amazon Web Services
- Amber Lounge
- AMC Dine-in Kabuki 8
- AMC Mercado/Starbucks Carpool
- AMC Theaters
- AMD Commons Auditorium
- AMD Commons Building
- AMD Commons Building, AMD Campus Sunnyvale
- AMD corporate headquarters
- Amdocs Ltd.
- Amelie Wine Bar
- American Association of Individual Investors, SF Chapter
- American Association of Individual Investors, SV Chapter
- American Association of University Women, Palo Alto
- American Association of University Women, SJ Branch
- American Business Association of Russian Expatriates (AmBAR)
- American Friends Service Committee and Center for Lao Studies Offices
- American Friends Service Committee Office
- American Indian Film Institute
- American Institute of Wine and Food
- American Institute of Wine and Food (AIWF)
- American Management Association
- American Musical Theatre of San Jose
- American Society for Training & Dev't, SV Chapter
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Santa Clara Valley Section
- American Steel Studios
- American Steel Studios, Studio # 23
- American Tax Professionals
- Americano at the Hotel Vitale
- Amerprise
- AMF Moonlite Lanes
- Amista Vineyards
- Amnesia
- Amnesty International-S.F. Office
- Ana Mandara
- Analog Devices
- Analy High School
- Anam Cara House
- Anam Cara House
- Ananda Palo Alto
- Anasa Yoga
- Anaviv's Table
- Andersen Bakery (Union Landing)
- Andrea Spira Studio
- Andrew Linton Store
- Andrews Park
- Angel Harp Academy
- Angelica's Bistro
- Angelico Hall, Dominican University
- Angelos Chiropractic
- Angie Capri Photography
- Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology
- Anna's Jazz Island
- Anne Thull Fine Art Designs
- Annie Alley
- Antioch Adult School
- Antioch Library
- Anza Branch, SF Public Library
- ANZA Technology Network
- AOL - 395 Page Mill
- AOL Campus, Bldg #12
- Apartment 24 Bar and Lounge
- Apple
- Apple - Building IL4
- Apple Cupertino Campus
- Apple Garage 1
- Apple Inc.
- Apple Theatre, Apple Store
- Applied Materials - 3050 Bowers
- Appreciating Diversity Film Series
- Apres Ski Club
- Aptos Village Park
- Aquarium of the Bay
- Aquarius Lounge at the Dream Inn
- Aquarius Theater
- Aqus Cafe
- Arab Cultural Center of San Francisco
- Aragon High School Theater
- Aragon Music
- Arc Gallery & Studios
- Arc Studios & Gallery
- Archbishop Mitty High School
- Archer Norris
- Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility
- Architects of the New Paradigm Conference (RVML Community Resource Center)
- Architects of the New Paradigm Conference (RVML Community Resource Center)
- Ardenwood Historic Farm
- Arepas Latin Cuisine
- Argonaut Hotel
- Arlington Community Church
- Armory
- Army Lofts / Old Sears Bldg.
- Arrillaga Family Pavilion
- Arrillaga Family Pavilion (Bldg C) 1st Floor
- Arrillaga Family Pavilion and Freidenrich Community Park
- Arrillaga Family Recreation Center
- Arrowood Winery
- aRt Cottage
- ART ENGINE Gallery
- Art Explosion Studios 17th Street
- Art Explosion Studios Alabama St
- Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
- Art House SF Gallery
- Art Institute of California - San Francisco
- Art of Hustle
- Art of Living Center
- Art of Living Center - San Jose
- Art Of Living Foundation
- Art of Living Yoga and Meditation
- Art Walk SF
- Art Works Downtown
- Artefact Design & Salvage
- ArtHaus Gallery
- Arthur J Gallagher & Co
- Artist Studio
- Artist Studio of Lillian Wu
- Artists Alley
- Artists Residency at the Journal Building
- Artists' Studios Across San Francisco
- Artists' Television Access
- Arts & Sciences Bldg. (#804) Santa Clara Univ. Campus
- Arts Interactive ExPop Building in SOFA District
- Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley
- ArtSeed
- ArtSFest
- ArtSpace@WHRC
- ArtSpan
- ArtSpan
- Arttitud
- ARTwork
- Artyhood Foundation
- ArtZone 461
- Asbury United Methodist Church
- ASC Projects
- Ase Arts
- Asentiv Oakland
- Ashby Stage
- Ashkenaz World Music & Dance Community Center
- Asia Foundation
- Asia-Silicon Valley Connection (ASVC)
- Asian American Cancer Support Network
- Asian American Theater Company
- Asian Art Museum
- Aspire Life Coaching
- Aspire Life Coaching - Los Gatos
- Assoc for Corporate Growth (ACG), San Francisco Chapter
- Assoc for Corporate Growth (ACG), Silicon Valley Chapter
- Assoc for Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP), N Calif chapter
- Assoc for Strategic Planning - N California
- Assoc of C & C++ Users, SV Chapter
- Assoc of Clay and Glass Artists of California
- Assoc of Database Developers, Bay Area Chapter
- Assoc of Info Tech Professionals, Greater San Jose Chapter
- Association of Spirit at Work: Bay Area Chapter
- ASTD-Mt Diablo Chapter of the American Society for Training & Development
- Astia (Formerly Known As The Women's Technology Cluster)
- Astronomical Assoc of Northern California
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- AT&T Labs
- AT&T McCarthy Conference Center
- AT&T Park
- AT&T Park, Club Level
- Athena Academy
- Athens Burger Restaurant
- Atherton Library
- Atherton, Town of
- Athleta San Francisco
- Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
- Atlas Cafe
- Atmel Corporation
- Atmosphere
- Atria Willow Glen
- Attraversiamo
- Au Coquelet
- Audentes Therapeutics, Inc.
- Audium
- Aunt Charlie's Lounge
- Aurora Ristorante in Bel Marin Keys Novato
- Aurora Theatre Company
- Australian American Chamber of Commerce, SF
- Autodesk - 1 Market
- Autodesk Gallery
- Autodesk HQ
- Auxiliary, UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion
- Avalon Art & Yoga Center
- Avalon Nightclub
- Avenidas Senior Center
- Avenue 12 Gallery
- Avenue Gallery
- Aviat Networks
- Aviator Nation
- Avocados & Coconuts
- Avonova
- Awaken Cafe
- AXIS Dance Company
- Ayoma Spa, Hotel Valencia
- Azari Vineyard
- Azul
General Interest
Performing Arts
Pop Entertainment
Special Interest
· Visual Arts |
- 'The Space', near High Street
- 1000 Van Ness
- 111 Minna Gallery
- 1890 Bryant St. Studios, #409
- 1890 Bryant Street
- 21 Grand Gallery
- 2727 California Street Gallery
- 29th Annual Emeryville Art Exhibition Hall
- 3D Web Fest
- 41 Ross
- 4th Street Fine Art
- 4x5 Gallery
- 500 Capp Street, the David Ireland House
- 555 California Plaza Gallery
- 5andDimeGallery
- 79 Gallery
- 836M Gallery
- A.Muse Gallery
- Academy of Art University at The Cannery
- Accion Latina's Juan R. Fuentes Gallery
- AdelinesLAB Gallery In Collaboration With Firehouse Art Collective
- AIA San Francisco / Center for Architecture + Design Gallery
- AIA San Francisco / Center for Architecture + Design Gallery
- AIA San Francisco / Center for Architecture + Design Gallery
- AIA San Francisco / Center for Architecture + Design Gallery
- Alamo Danville Artists' Society
- Alena Museum
- Alphonse Berber Gallery
- Alter Space
- American Steel Studios
- Andrea Spira Studio
- Angie Capri Photography
- Arc Gallery & Studios
- Arc Studios & Gallery
- Army Lofts / Old Sears Bldg.
- aRt Cottage
- ART ENGINE Gallery
- Art Explosion Studios 17th Street
- Art Explosion Studios Alabama St
- Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
- Art House SF Gallery
- Art Walk SF
- Art Works Downtown
- ArtHaus Gallery
- Artist Studio
- Artist Studio of Lillian Wu
- Artists Alley
- Artists Residency at the Journal Building
- Artists' Studios Across San Francisco
- Artists' Television Access
- Arts Interactive ExPop Building in SOFA District
- ArtSeed
- ArtSpace@WHRC
- ArtSpan
- ArtSpan
- Arttitud
- ARTwork
- Artyhood Foundation
- ArtZone 461
- ASC Projects
- Ase Arts
- Asian Art Museum
- Assoc of Clay and Glass Artists of California
- Autodesk Gallery
- Avenue 12 Gallery
- Avenue Gallery
- Back Stage Salon/Gallery
- Bayview Branch
- Bedford Gallery
- Berkeley Art Center
- Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
- Bernal Bubbles
- Betti Ono gallery
- Big Umbrella Studios
- Birdhouse Gallery
- Black Rock Arts Foundation
- Blick Art Materials, Hospitality House, SF Camerawork and Freespace
- Blue Studio #3
- Bluedahlias
- Borsini-Burr Gallery (7 miles North of Half Moon Bay and 20 Miles South of San Francisco)
- Bothwell Arts Center
- Bothwell Arts Center's Downtown Art Studios
- Bounty
- Braunstein/Quay Gallery
- Bryant Street Gallery
- Bucheon Gallery
- Cain Schulte Contemporary Art
- California Closets Showroom
- California College of the Arts
- California Modern Art Gallery
- Cantor Arts Center - Stanford
- Canvas at Cornerstone
- Canvas Gallery
- Castro Art Walk
- Catharine Clark Gallery
- CCA Hubbell Street Galleries
- CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts
- Cement Gallery at Glass Key Photo
- Chandler Fine Art
- Charles Gadeken
- Charles M. Schulz Museum
- Chez Poulet
- CIIS Main Building
- CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor
- CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor, Namaste Hall
- CIIS Minna Street Center
- Cohn-Stone Studios
- College of Marin Art Gallery
- Colonial Arts
- Concord Art Association
- Coreen's Holiday Pottery Studio Sale
- Creative Pittsburg
- Creativity Explored
- Creativity Explored 2
- Crown Point Press
- DaDa SF
- Danville Area Cultural Alliance (DACA)
- de Young Museum
- Developing Environments
- di Rosa Dowtown
- Diego Rivera Gallery
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
- Driftwood Salon Gallery
- E6 Gallery
- Emerald Tablet
- Evolving Art Gallery
- Exhibition Space
- Expressions Gallery
- Firehouse Art Collective
- Firehouse Art Collective Indie Micro Mall
- Firehouse Art Events Hangar
- Flaming Lotus Girls
- Flax art and design
- Focus Gallery of San Francisco
- Foreign Lens
- Fort Mason for Arts & Culture, Gallery 308
- Fouladi Projects
- Frame Shop & Gallery
- Frank Bette Center for the Arts
- Galeria de la Raza
- Gallery
- Gallery 1044
- Gallery 28
- Gallery Carte Blanche
- Gallery Lulo
- Gallery Paule Anglim
- Garvey Simon Art
- George Krevsky Gallery
- Gilman Art Walk
- Giorgi Gallery
- Glass Door Gallery
- Glass Rice
- Graphic Arts Workshop
- Greg Roberts Art @ Narrative
- Gregory Kate Gallery
- Griffin Map Design
- Hang Art Gallery
- Hangar 18 Studio
- Harding Gallery
- Harrington Gallery at Firehouse Arts Center
- Headlands Center for the Arts
- Helvella Art
- Hilliard Architects & Gallery
- Honey Art Studio
- Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco
- Hotel Des Arts
- Hummingbird Medicine Art & Healing Studio
- Hunters Point Shipyard
- Hunters Point Shipyard (google 451 Galvez, NOT Hunters Point Shipyard)
- Hunters Point Shipyard Artists
- Hunters Point Shipyard, Building 101
- HVAW Gallery
- HVAW Garden at Page & Octavia
- Ictus Gallery
- Immersive Art Lab
- Institute for Works on Paper
- International Art Museum of America
- Intersection for the Arts
- Irving Street Projects
- Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco
- Jack London Square
- Jackson Grant Gallery
- James Snidle Fine Art Gallery
- Jellyfish Gallery
- Jenkins Johnson Gallery
- Jenkins Johnson Gallery
- Joan elan Davis Gallery
- John Denning Studio
- John Sheridan
- Joyce Gordon Gallery
- K Gallery
- Kadist Art Foundation
- Kala Art Institute
- Karina Marie Diaz Lifestyle Photography spacious and elegant studio in SOMA
- Kearny Street Workshop
- La Maison Oakland
- Laney College Fine Arts Annex
- Layover Bar
- Le Trianon Gallery
- Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center Gallery
- Legion of Honor
- Lesa Johnson Fine Art Gallery
- Lesher Center for the Arts
- Letterform Archive
- Levy Art and Architecture Gallery
- Lireille - Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry and Art
- Live Oak Park (Outside the Berkeley Art Center)
- Live Worms Gallery
- Live Worms Gallery
- Live Worms Gallery
- Livermore Art Association (LAA)
- Lizland Studio
- Lottie Rose Artist House
- Made in the Mission Open Studios
- Marin Museum of Contemporary Art
- Marin Open Studios Self Guided Art Studio Tour
- Market Street Gallery
- McEvoy Foundation for the Arts
- McKinley Art Solutions
- McLaren Lodge
- Million Fishes Art Gallery
- Mills College Art Museum
- Minnesota Street Project - 1150-25th
- Minnesota Street Project - 1275 Minn
- Minnesota Street Project Foundation - 1201 Minnesota
- Minnesota Street Project, Gallery 211
- Mishin Fine Arts Gallery
- Misho Gallery
- Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
- Move On Art!
- Move On Art! San Francisco
- Muse/Dekker Studio
- Museum of Craft and Design
- Natural World Museum
- New Langton Arts
- Nexus Gallery at Hayes Valley Art Works
- Nexus Gallery at Hayes Valley Art Works
- Nexus Gallery at Hayes Valley Art Works
- Nexus Gallery at Hayes Valley Art Works
- Nexus Gallery at Hayes Valley Art Works
- Nexus Gallery at Hayes Valley Art Works
- NIAD Art Center - online
- Nieto Fine Art Gallery
- Norton Factory Studios
- NYAXE Gallery
- O'Hanlon Center for the Arts
- Oakland Art Gallery
- Occidental Center for the Arts Classroom
- Open Art Studios
- Opera Piccola Performing Arts
- Pacific Art League
- Pacific Felt Factory
- Palette Art Cafe
- Palo Alto Art Center
- Pasquale Iannetti
- Patricia Sweetow Gallery
- Petaluma Arts Center
- PhotoCentral Gallery
- Pier 70, Noonan Building
- Pleasanton (City of) Civic Arts
- Pleasanton Art League (PAL)
- Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council
- Point Reyes Open Studios
- Precita Eyes Muralists
- Prince Gallery
- Pro Arts at Oakland Art Gallery
- Pro Arts Gallery
- Project Artaud
- Public Barber Salon
- Public Glass
- R R Gallery
- Radian Gallery
- Rae Douglass Gallery
- Rae Dunn's Studio
- Ray Beldner
- Reaves Gallery
- Reclaimed Room
- Reclaimed Room at Building REsources
- Red Brick Studios
- Red Poppy Art House
- Richmond Art Center
- Rise Above Gallery
- Robert Berman / E6 Gallery
- Root Division
- Root Division 'Pop-Up' on Market St.
- Saint Mary Magdalen Church
- Salle Pianos & Events
- San Francisco Art Exchange
- San Francisco Art Institute
- San Francisco Art Institute | Fort Mason Campus
- San Francisco Main Library, Skylight Gallery, 6th Floor
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
- San Francisco Musueum of Modern Art
- San Francisco Women Artists Gallery (SFWA)
- San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
- San Jose Museum of Art
- San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles
- Satya Yuga
- Sausalito Arts Center
- Sculpturesite Gallery
- Sculpturesite Gallery
- Sculpturesite Gallery at Jackson Grant Gallery in Ross
- Seager Gray Gallery
- Sebastopol Gallery
- SF Camerawork
- SF Environment EcoCenter
- Shadelands Art Center
- Shipyard Trust for the Arts
- Shooting Gallery
- Show Place Art
- Silicon Valley Open Studios
- Silk Road House
- Simon Breitbard Fine Arts (Post Party location, Tour locations vary throughout SF)
- SoleSpace Flagship
- SOMA Artists Studios
- SOMArts Cultural Center
- Sonya Paz Art Studio
- Sonya Paz Fine Art Gallery
- Southern Exposure
- Southern Exposure
- Space 47
- Space151 Gallery
- spark arts(TM)
- Starline Social Club - Ballroom
- StoreFrontLab
- Studio #137 & 138 Art Explosion Studios
- Studio 310 in 1890 Bryant Street Art Studio Building
- Studio 333
- Studio 7 Fine Arts Gallery
- Studio Quercus
- Studio Susan Hall
- Sunnyvale Art Gallery
- SuperFrog Gallery
- Swarm Gallery
- T Gallery
- Tachina Rudman-Young
- Terra Gallery
- The Art of the African Diaspora Satellite exhibit at Gallery 2727 in Berkeley
- The Artist's Den
- The Box Shop
- The Canessa Gallery
- The Crucible
- The Dolby Chadwick Gallery
- The Dryansky Gallery
- The Fairfax Art Walk
- The Fourth Wall Art Gallery
- The Hive
- The Jones Institute
- The Lab
- The Laundry
- The Martin Wong Gallery, San Francisco State University
- The MilkBar at the Sunshine Biscuit Factory
- The Paul Mahder Gallery
- The Pickleworks Building
- The Pilgrim Soul Forge
- The Tower at SFAI-Chestnut Street Campus
- The Washington Inn
- The Weaving Studio
- Themes+Projects
- Timken Lecture Hall - California College of the Arts
- Toby's Art Gallery
- Togonon Gallery
- Totally Rad Gallery
- Tricia George Bay Area Artist / Studio and Gallery
- Triton Museum of Art
- uBe Gallery
- V Vorres Gallery
- Varnish Fine Art
- Velcro Gallery
- Veterans Building Gallery
- Villa Montalvo
- Village Theatre Art Gallery
- Visual Aid
- Visual Arts/Performing Arts
- Walter and McBean Galleries at SFAI-Chestnut Street Campus
- Warehouse 416
- WheelHouse of Willow Glen
- Works/San Jose
- WorkSpace
- Workspace Artists
- Workspace Limited
- Workspace Limited
- Worth Ryder Art Gallery
- Yerba Buena Neighborhood Galleries
Sports & Recreation
Arts Interactive ExPop Building in SOFA District |
451 S First St. |
Alameda CA 95113